Wednesday, December 21, 2005


I'll be out of town starting tonight. I will return early January. I will have email access- but it'll be spotty. For now, enjoy the new DVG site and Signs 2 Icons.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

New Site!

Finishing all my icon orders allowed me to concentrate on a project I've been wanting to finish for a while- A new site design for DV Graphics. Maybe this new one will last longer than a year! ;-)

I had a lot of fun designing this one. You can read more about it on the main page.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Backorder Complete

I've finished all pending orders....Everything is sent out, and groovy!

If you've placed an order and have yet to receive it:
1) Check your spam bin, it may be lost in the mail. Nothing there?
2) Send me a message, I can resend it.
3) There's also the possibility that I've misplaced your order. Which is RARE, but could happen- If so, I'll see what I can do about getting out to you the same day.

However, as of tomorrow I'm starting my vacation until January 9th-ish. So no new orders until at least then.

Those of you who have requested so, I will email you as soon as I've reopened- so you'll have the chance to be first in line.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Orders for 12/15

Hey everyone...
I just sent out orders for
and PH

I'm confident I'll finish these before the weekend, and at the latest, Sunday:
AM (I'm still waiting for a photo)

After that, I don't have anymore orders pending. If you haven't gotten yours yet and aren't listed here, contact me.

Also, based on the poll, I've begun sending orders in ZIP format, so hopefully that'll be easier for everyone.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

All Done (for now)!!!

I've just completed and sent out all pending orders (for Jose, that is). I have also received (already) very positive feed back. One of the orders I completed was an icon design for a ferret. The good folk at, wanted to have their pet iconized. So, it's a first for me. Let's see what happens. If all goes well, as it should, maybe Paul can open a special section in "Iconize Me" for pets. You think?;- D

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

More Icons!

I just wanted to let ya'll know that today I sent out 4 icons. So following in Paul's foot steps, I will post the initials of the ones I just sent out.
TD (you wanted your icon just like ProBlogger)

...and I'm currently working on:
NP (Red Ferret)

I did something extra special on one of the icons. It's for a great 80's music site. Check it out at
Free plug, I guess. But, you know what they say, "What goes around comes around", and it's already coming around!

Hope ya'll like them!

Friday, December 02, 2005


Here we go, lets see if anyone visits or reads the blog....I have a poll for everyone to take

What format would you prefer Iconize Me! orders be compressed and delivered in?


Got 9 orders sent out tonight. More on the way over the next few days.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


I just sat down for most of the afternoon to really focus on icons- It's been non-stop madness this month up until this point. It's still madness, but now it's all icon-related. I know a bunch of you have been waiting for a while for your icons- If I can keep up this pace, I will get a lot sent out before and during this upcoming weekend.

Now for the disappointing part (kinda of)- I didn't finish any of the icons I worked on today- Instead I got a handful of them almost done (essentially all they need is to be colored and packaged up)- It's a lot quicker for me to work this way....Draw an icon, save it, move on- Keeps me in a good mindset. I will do the same thing when it comes to coloring- Color it, save it, move on.

I need to take a break to have some dinner- Perhaps after I get started on coloring and send some out tonight.

Incase you're wondering if yours is one of the icons I worked on tonight, check this list to see if your initials are there...If they are, I'm almost done with yours!

SW (a different one)

Monday, November 28, 2005

DV Graphics

Not sure what's going on at DV Graphics- but all pages are resulting in endless redirects. Iconize Me and others work fine. I'm looking into it.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Quick Update

Hi!!! I'm very excited becuase I've just completed all of the orders I received for this month of November. So if you ordered from Jose and have not yet received your order, please write me ASAP so I can resend it. Just in case, my email is: By the way all the icons came out pretty cool! I hope ya'll like'em.

By the way, I want to urge all of you to stop by DV-graphics and check out the cool desktops Paul has available for download. Not only are they cool, but they're also FREE! Can't beat that!

Take care.

Monday, November 21, 2005


I've updated the Iconize Me! FAQ with a whole bunch of clarified and new answers. I've also re-ordered a bunch of them in order to clarify the responses.

Friday, November 18, 2005

November update

School has thrown me a little behind on the icons this month, so it's possible that the wait may be beyond the reported 2 weeks, but I'm trying my hardest to prevent that. I've been able to get a steady flow of several icons per day out the door, so it's not too bad.

Also, a heads-up: I will be out of town from 23-27th for Thanksgiving, so I won't be sending any icons out during that time- Some of you counting down the 14 days until approximate delivery might need to consider that :-)

For those of you who haven't seen it, we have a new featured artist page. This is a place where you can go to see more work and samples by one of us here at DVG....The first page up is Shalimar:
We're looking forward to have more features like this in the future. It's one of the perks of having multiple people on-board, you actually have something to highlight ;-)

I hope everyone who has received their icons in the past months have been enjoying them, I know I've enjoyed making them.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Hey! I'm finally posting, or is it blogging?

Anyhow, I'm thrilled to be here! Wanna thank Paul and Shalimar for giving me a chance to have so much fun designing you guys' icons. Not only is it fun to design them, but also to get to know so many people from around the world.

So, just to let ya'll know it's been a great ride, thus far.

Saturday, October 29, 2005


Today: Made some and sent some. Enjoy.

Monday, October 24, 2005

New Desktops

Hello everyone, I know, its been a long time since my last post. Busy. Busy. For those of you waiting for your Icons, they will be done shortly I have about 3 left to do, until i have no more. I just did a whole bunch of new Desktops for the freeware section of DVG. Check 'em out , feel free to download and use. Signing Off

Saturday, October 22, 2005


I've just re-opened my order page for those who are interested.


I've finished all regular orders and sent them out. I have a few things to finish up and then I'll reopen. Should be open before the weekend is up.

Monday, October 17, 2005


Sending out the very last few icons here- I'm beginning to send them with the halloween masks...Those are really fun- I hope we have some lazy customer's in our queues who would be willing to just be themselves on the 31st.

A day or two of solid work and I'll be able to re-open.

In the meantime, check out Shal and José's work...I'm a hack compared to some of the stuff they send out. :-)

Saturday, October 08, 2005


I sent out a bunch of order over the past few days. Only 7 remain. When I finish up on those final 7, I'll open up my order page again.

I've been getting emails from a few people asking when I'll reopen my page. Well, once those 7 are done, you'll have your answer :-)

Also, in the next few days, we'll be starting our Halloween Mask promotion! This is really cool: Every order we send out between the 10th and Halloween will also include a "mask" file. Esentially its a regular JPEG, but with a "cut out" line around te head, eyes, and mouth. It will also be formatted for an 8.5x11 page.

I will try hard to open my personal page by the 10th (but no promises). But, Shal and Jose will also be doing the halloween mask stuff- So you can get your fix from them, too.

One more thing- While I'll try and get most "halloween" orders out to you guys BY halloween- I can't promise it.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Manipulating the will of IE for Windows

It's been a common complaint of vistors to my site (Of the Windows-using variety) that transparent PNGs dont render correctly on Internet Explorer....Well, Aaron Adams provided me with this very cool java script that corrects IEs shortcomings...Even better is that it's one little line of code, so Firefox and Mac users wont notice the change.

So as much as I hate bowing to the will of a broken arcitecture- There ya go. And now that it works- Switch to firefox.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Things are going well in the first week of orders, I've actually had to close down my own personal order form so I can catch up.

I REALLY urge people to try Shalimar and José's icons. They are SO amazing.

I hope everyone is enjoying their new icons and the new site.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

New Iconize

Well I got a bunch of orders today. Its fancy schmance. Ill keep the blog updated with my progress.


Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Welcome to the new Iconize Me!

Wow....I've been open for only half a day, and the orders are already pouring in- Even at the higher price! Which leads me to the number one question I'm getting: "Why the higher price?" Simple. Supply and demand. :-)

Anyway....I hope everyone enjoys the addition of Shalimar and José to the team. They are both SO talented...I can't wait to see some of the work they come up with...Talk about a bargain!

Anyway, maybe I'll be able to buy a new iPod nano with all these orders ;-)

If anyone has any questions or complaints, feel free to contact me:

Friday, September 02, 2005

Iconize Me!

All orders that were placed between June and August are complete. If you have not recieved yours: First, check you spam folder. If its not there, then drop me a line and I'll resend it.

For everyone who has been waiting to place an order for the past two months, check back in a few days.

Thursday, September 01, 2005


You used the little frames! Totally my idea. :-)

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


So it seems we showed up on is odd because I'm not accepting orders right now. Oh well.

Speaking of not accepting orders- I'm looking for a September 1st opening. It's not POSITIVE, theres a lot of work to be done- But thats what I'm shooting for (With my track record, it'll be October 5th ;-)

Check on Sept 1st- Hopefully there will be something new.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Titles are hard to think of.

Getting the FINAL bunch of icons out for the summer. Sorry for the delay everyone. Look for your "missing" orders in the next 8 days.

I'm also working on something really cool. Those of you who were waiting for Iconize Me! to reopen- Stay tuned.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Wasting away

I wish I could have Iconize Me! open like I had promised this summer. But I'm still dealing with a day job and the site- So it's just not possible. Getting really close to finishing every single order- So that's good. Again, it still stands that if you are angry that you haven't gotten an order, you can bug me and I'll do the best I can.

I'm in the middle of doing even more drastic changes on Iconize Me!, I hope the results will be visable soon. It'll involve service changes, site changes- The works.

School is also slated to start-up again soon....That means in place of a summer job I'll have classes and homework- So no more free time than I have now....But the good news is school forces me to work really hard, and my work always gets better- Which means better Icons and stuff. so yay!

Thursday, August 04, 2005


I've been getting a steady flow of icons sent out on on my days off lately. Day in which I have work are hard...I'm usually not able to finish any. So usually the 2 days off a week I get are my icon days...Which is why things are slowish.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

The Iconize Me! Project

I got a lot of orders done today...I hope all of you who got them are pleased with the outcome. I have a late night tomorrow, but I have thursday off, so I'll get a bunch more done then.

Because I got so many out tonight, I decided to reward myself with a little project I've had in my mind for a while. I've decided to dub it "The Iconize Me! Project"....Essentially, I'm making two 36x24 posters...each one will have 900 images. One poster will be 900 icons I did for Iconize Me! and the other will be the 900 corresponding photos that were sent for those icons. Each icon/photo will be in the same position on the posters. This is really just for me, I'm not mass producing or selling them. So those of you who have had icons done don't need to worry about your image being everywhere- This is just for myself.

Why only 900? Well, I wanted them to still be large enough to see, for one. But I also needed a number that could easily be divided into portrait-sized boxes for the poster. Also- 900 is still an impressive number ;-)

I might post small thumbnail updates of the poster as it goes along. As of right now, I only have 12 images in place...It's very time consuming. I'm pretty much choosing random images, but I still have to keep track to make sure there are no duplicates.

Monday, July 18, 2005


Everyone, go see Charlie and The Chocolate Factory! It's amazing!

Friday, July 15, 2005


My work sched. changed drastically this week...So I didn't get out as many icons as I had hoped. However, this upcoming Monday and Tuesday I have off- So I'll be able to work on them then.

Friday, July 08, 2005


I got quite a few icons done today. I sent out 6 this evening alone. Enjoy everyone. I work for the next 4 days- So icons will be few and far between until I get another day off.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Site issues followup

Ok! We're back online. No worries now.

Yipes! Site problems!

Ok, I know not many people will see this, but just incase:

I had some issues with my hosting company today with my credit card and it's resulted in them taking down DV Graphic temporarily. This includes,, and a few others.

My biggest concern are my Iconize Me! customers right now- If they have a problem and try to visit the site, they're going to be greeted by a big, scary, german-language error....Which, if I were in their shoes, I would think "Well, these people just took my money and disappeared"....But I didn't! I'm still here!

So if you know anyone who is a current customer, please try and direct them to this blog. I will keep updating it as I resolve this issue.

Likewise, because my server is down, I'm not able to use my DVG email addeys (iconize@, paul@, etc) if anyone needs to contact me, I can be reached here:

Now if only this company had 24-7 billing and tech support. Dern. Ok, Hopefully this will all be cleared up tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


I've had a lot of work lately, but in between shifts and on my days off I'm managing to get quite a few icons out each day.

I still have a lot to go, but I'm getting through it.

Saturday, June 25, 2005


I am having such a hard time placing type on this label!

Iconize Me!

Sent out 10 orders in the past 2 days....Enjoy everyone.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


I really wanted to keep Iconize Me! open longer, but the backorder is getting scary, so I put a stop to it.

For the next few days (whenever I can) I'll be sending out icon orders.

I need to reconsider the price of Iconize Me!, demand is just too high for $15. No complaining....This is fair warning....Kinda.

Monday, June 20, 2005


Well, I just wrote a whole long blog, but something happened and I lost it. So lets just wait and see if I get the energy to write it again.

The jist:
-Iconize Me! is open and making life busy
-I'm considering a small price hike for IM.
-I reccomended The Vanity Project as my music pick of the week:


Sunday, June 19, 2005


Im totally Tigering and Widgeting and Dashboarding. Its all so very sexy.

Saturday, June 18, 2005


I got a few more icons done last night. For the rest of the weekend I'll be at an official "Box Social" off in New Jersey....Thus, I'll be out of contact until Sunday afternoon.

Thursday, June 16, 2005


Well, I was going to see the new Batman movie this afternoon before work...But that fell through. So now I'm here at hom until 5....Which means icon work! Woooo. Hopefully I'll be able to get 3-4 out before I need to leave.


Just completed four more icons. Enjoy everyone.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Good day.

Not a bad day today. Went to work, and had a rather sucessfull day there. When I got home I had a movie from Netflix waiting for me- which is always nice....It feels like a gift, though, because I often forget I'm paying for it. Tonight I'll try and get some icons done while I watch the movie. No work tomorrow, or this weekend...that'll leave a lot of time to do icons. I do have dentist tomorrow, but it's at the crack of dawn, so I'll be able to go right back to sleep once I come home.

Speaking of icons, I'm really happy with this new system. I've been able to really manage my work load so much nicer this summer. No one has even waited 2 weeks for their icons (Which is the estimated wait time). I have about 20 icons waiting to be done- which is a lot. But I'm confident I'll do it....I have a lot of free days ahead of me to get it out of the way.

Speaking of the days ahead of me- Visiting Shalimar this weekend....Some part of the day will probably involve getting her computer up-to-date with Tiger n' such. But then it's a BBQ with school friends, so that'll be good.

I'm antsy to do some designing lately, but with working at the store and doing Iconize Me!, I have very little time to fit it in. I'd like to redesign the iconize site, but functionally it's doing a great job right now (I'm just sick of how it looks). Maybe later on in the summer. I tried some basic designing the other day and was really disappointed. I'm rusty. Granted, I only gave myself an hour or so...But still- when I'm in school I can usually put together some pretty nice stuff. I need to keep practicing. I should also start sketching again.

If you're reading this, then you've noticed the new "DVG Blog" button on the site, and likewise, the "deviantART" button across from it. If you have a chance, go visit dA...That's where I get a chance to upload a lot of my non-DVG work. Most of my sophomore portfolio is up there along with a lot of other random stuff.

Wow, this ended up being a long post....I feel like I'm on a talk show. Let's go to a commercial...

Monday, June 13, 2005


I'm working on icon orders right now! Everyone celebrate.

Another Test....

I'm just testing out a dashboard widget to post to the blog.

Service Status

Iconize Me! and Vectorize Me! are currently closed.
Iconize Me! will reopen within one week.
Vectorize Me! will reopen, but we're not sure when.

Hi There

Hi - this is only a test -


Welcome to the new DV Graphics Blog. What is this for? I'm not sure. But a lot of design sites are starting to keep blogs, so I figured I'd give it a shot.
Now, this is not a replacement for the main page...Though this may be updated more frequently.

So lets see what happens....Eh?

The DVG Blog

This is just a test