Saturday, May 05, 2007

Back on Track

Hey All!

After a few intense weeks of playing catch-up, I'm pretty much caught up. I've been having some email issues with a few orders. I'm not sure if the problem is our servers. So, please make sure that once you receive your order you send me a reply confirming receipt.

On other news, for all you techies out there, I've just switched to Adobe CS3. Which means I'm working all orders on the coolest Illustrator software yet. I'm still stumbling my way around things, but I'm set on mastering it pretty soon. This of course is good news for all our clients, since I'll be using a few goodies that ship with the new version of the program on their orders.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Back to work

I've officially finished my last class at school- this gives me infinitely more time to work on Iconize Me! orders. I'm now able to send out new orders every day and really work through this backorder.

Thanks for your patience, everyone.