Friday, November 18, 2005

November update

School has thrown me a little behind on the icons this month, so it's possible that the wait may be beyond the reported 2 weeks, but I'm trying my hardest to prevent that. I've been able to get a steady flow of several icons per day out the door, so it's not too bad.

Also, a heads-up: I will be out of town from 23-27th for Thanksgiving, so I won't be sending any icons out during that time- Some of you counting down the 14 days until approximate delivery might need to consider that :-)

For those of you who haven't seen it, we have a new featured artist page. This is a place where you can go to see more work and samples by one of us here at DVG....The first page up is Shalimar:
We're looking forward to have more features like this in the future. It's one of the perks of having multiple people on-board, you actually have something to highlight ;-)

I hope everyone who has received their icons in the past months have been enjoying them, I know I've enjoyed making them.

1 comment:

José said...

Well deserved rest, my friend. Enjoy!