Wednesday, November 30, 2005


I just sat down for most of the afternoon to really focus on icons- It's been non-stop madness this month up until this point. It's still madness, but now it's all icon-related. I know a bunch of you have been waiting for a while for your icons- If I can keep up this pace, I will get a lot sent out before and during this upcoming weekend.

Now for the disappointing part (kinda of)- I didn't finish any of the icons I worked on today- Instead I got a handful of them almost done (essentially all they need is to be colored and packaged up)- It's a lot quicker for me to work this way....Draw an icon, save it, move on- Keeps me in a good mindset. I will do the same thing when it comes to coloring- Color it, save it, move on.

I need to take a break to have some dinner- Perhaps after I get started on coloring and send some out tonight.

Incase you're wondering if yours is one of the icons I worked on tonight, check this list to see if your initials are there...If they are, I'm almost done with yours!

SW (a different one)

Monday, November 28, 2005

DV Graphics

Not sure what's going on at DV Graphics- but all pages are resulting in endless redirects. Iconize Me and others work fine. I'm looking into it.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Quick Update

Hi!!! I'm very excited becuase I've just completed all of the orders I received for this month of November. So if you ordered from Jose and have not yet received your order, please write me ASAP so I can resend it. Just in case, my email is: By the way all the icons came out pretty cool! I hope ya'll like'em.

By the way, I want to urge all of you to stop by DV-graphics and check out the cool desktops Paul has available for download. Not only are they cool, but they're also FREE! Can't beat that!

Take care.

Monday, November 21, 2005


I've updated the Iconize Me! FAQ with a whole bunch of clarified and new answers. I've also re-ordered a bunch of them in order to clarify the responses.

Friday, November 18, 2005

November update

School has thrown me a little behind on the icons this month, so it's possible that the wait may be beyond the reported 2 weeks, but I'm trying my hardest to prevent that. I've been able to get a steady flow of several icons per day out the door, so it's not too bad.

Also, a heads-up: I will be out of town from 23-27th for Thanksgiving, so I won't be sending any icons out during that time- Some of you counting down the 14 days until approximate delivery might need to consider that :-)

For those of you who haven't seen it, we have a new featured artist page. This is a place where you can go to see more work and samples by one of us here at DVG....The first page up is Shalimar:
We're looking forward to have more features like this in the future. It's one of the perks of having multiple people on-board, you actually have something to highlight ;-)

I hope everyone who has received their icons in the past months have been enjoying them, I know I've enjoyed making them.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Hey! I'm finally posting, or is it blogging?

Anyhow, I'm thrilled to be here! Wanna thank Paul and Shalimar for giving me a chance to have so much fun designing you guys' icons. Not only is it fun to design them, but also to get to know so many people from around the world.

So, just to let ya'll know it's been a great ride, thus far.